Title I
School Program
As a Tiltle I school, we have the opportunity to strengthen our program to meet the needs of all of our students with the federal support of Title I funds. Funding is based on the number of students who have free lunch. We are actively addressing the following parent, guardian and community involvement Title I requirements because we know a working partnership is crucial for our students to succeed.
Understanding the School System
As a Title I school we:
- work with parents and guardians to understand and navigate the school system,
- share information about the standards for learning determined by the state, the materials and programs we use to teach those standards, and the tests we use to show how students are progressing, and
- inform you about your child’s academic progress throughout the year.
Communication with parents and community is a focus of our school and we value the different ways parents contribute to the success of their children. To enhance the way parents are already supporting their children’s academic success at home, we will offer materials and ideas that guardians might additionally use.
Parents Right to Know Teacher Qualifications
We also want to inform you that parents and guardians have the right to request specifics about the qualifications of their child’s teachers. If your child’s teacher is not considered Highly Qualified as defined by the federal government, we will notify you.
Parents' right to know.
(a) Information for parents.
(1) At the beginning of each school year, an LEA that receives funds under this subpart must notify the parents of each student attending a Title I school that the parents may request. In addition, the LEA will provide the parents, on request and promptly, information regarding the professional qualifications of the student's classroom teachers, including, at a minimum, the following:
(i) Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
(ii) Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or another provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
(iii) Whether the teacher is teaching in the discipline field of the teacher's certification.
(iv) Whether the parent's child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
(2) A school that participates under this subpart must provide to each parent -
(i) Information on the level of achievement and academic growth, if applicable and available, of the parent's child on each of the State academic assessments required under section 1111(b)(2) of the ESEA; and
(ii) Timely notice that the parent's child has been assigned or taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.
Shared Decision Making
Parents will be involved in making school decisions, writing school plans, and assessing the effectiveness of school programs. They will also work with the school to plan Parent Involvement activities. Please contact the front office for more information on how to be a part of this important work. We need your ideas!!
Home & School Partnership
Our school has a variety of formal ways to develop the home/school partnership such as Back to School Night, Parent-Teacher Conferences, School Community Council (SCC), Family Math and Literacy Nights, Parent Teacher Association/Organization (PTA/PTO), school newsletters, and other such opportunities. Please know that we also value the informal yet important ways we work together through phone calls, e-mail, and visiting before and after school. We look forward to working with you this year!! Please download the Home/School Compact which describes the commitments we are making to you, to see your child succeed.
Parent Compact English 2023-2024
Parent Compact Spanish 2023-2024
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Partnering with students and their families is essential. We value and honor the role of parents and other family members in their children’s educational experience. The following engagement policy, developed jointly with parents, outlines our efforts to support this partnership between school and home. This policy will be updated periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.
How will information about parent programs, meetings, and activities be communicated?
Liberty Elementary will provide meaningful communication with the parents about student progress via email, phone, written notes, Power School, or media apps and in-person at our Family Teacher Conferences. This information and other parent notifications, as well as this written policy, will be written in a format which parents can understand and made available in multiple languages.
What are parents’ rights and opportunities to be involved?
Parents have rights to provide input on school engagement practices and to be active participants and decision-makers in not only their own students' educational experience, but in the development of school-wide initiatives through participating in school Family Teacher Organizations (FTOs), serving on our school's Community Council, volunteering at the school, receiving information about school programs, and in having questions answered in a timely manner.
How will Liberty Elementary carry out our plans to enhance and improve parent involvement at the school?
On a yearly basis, parents will not only give input on this policy, but also in developing a School Compact that outlines the roles of teachers, students, and parents in academic success. Parents will also be involved in writing and reviewing the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and the school's LAND Trust plans in the School Community Council. The practices outlined in this document, which is posted on our school website, are supported by building the capacity of each group.
For parents, we provide parent meetings which build their capacity to support their children academically. For teachers, we provide professional development to assist them in providing effective instruction and parent outreach. And for students, we provide quality instruction, as well as opportunities for needed interventions. These efforts align not only with best practice, but with the specific academic improvement needs of our school.
How will Liberty Elementary address the targeted needs of students and their families?
Liberty Elementary will provide timely feedback to students and parents on students' academic and behavior performance. Through school behavior plans and systems of support, each student will be provided motivation to learn and try their best. Students will receive 45 minutes of targeted Social Emotional Learning each week. Schoolwide assessment data is shared with parents on our website, in newsletters, at School Community Council meetings. In addition, Liberty Elementary sets high expectations for students. Students work with parents and their teachers to set individual learning goals during Family Teacher Conferences. Individual progress reports will be shared with parents at the end of each quarter. Teachers recognize the needs of students and provide reasonable differentiation, scaffolds, and student extensions to meet individual student needs. Liberty Elementary consistently supports parents by updating PowerSchool regularly, by communicating students’ needs and the supports being provided, and by offering strategies which parents can utilize to support continued learning at home.
How will parents with limited English proficiency, parents of migratory children, and parents with disabilities, or other special needs have access to opportunities to participate?
Parents will have reasonable access to staff and will have information presented in ways that are timely and in an understandable format. Written communication published on school websites is ADA accessible and can be translated into many languages. Interpretation for in-person school meetings is available through either in-person or phone translation services. Parents with all language backgrounds and abilities can fully participate in school meetings, school events, in providing input, and in other parent engagement initiatives outlined above.
Parent and Family Engagement Policy (Spanish)
Política de participación de los padres y la familia
La Escuela Primaria de Liberty
La colaboración con los estudiantes y sus familias es esencial. Valoramos y honramos el papel de los padres y otros miembros de la familia en la experiencia educativa de sus hijos. La siguiente política de participación, desarrollada en conjunto con los padres, describe nuestros esfuerzos para apoyar esta asociación entre la escuela y el hogar. Esta política se actualizará periódicamente para satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes de los padres y la escuela.
¿Cómo se comunicará la información sobre los programas, reuniones y actividades para padres?
La Escuela Primaria de Liberty proporcionará una comunicación significativa con los padres sobre el progreso de los estudiantes por correo electrónico, teléfono, notas escritas, Power School, o las aplicaciones de la red social y en persona en nuestras conferencias de SEP. Esta información y otras notificaciones para padres, así como esta política escrita, se escribirán en un formato que los padres puedan entender y estarán disponibles en varios idiomas.
¿Cuáles son los derechos y las oportunidades de participación de los padres?
Los padres tienen derecho a dar su opinión sobre las prácticas de participación escolar y a ser participantes activos y tomadores de decisiones no solo en la experiencia educativa de sus propios estudiantes, sino también en el desarrollo de iniciativas escolares a través de la participación en las Organizaciones de Familias y Maestros (FTO) de la escuela, sirviendo en nuestro Consejo Comunitario Escolar, ser voluntario en la escuela, recibir información sobre los programas escolares y recibir respuestas a sus preguntas de manera oportuna.
¿Cómo llevará a cabo la Escuela Primaria Liberty nuestros planes para aumentar y mejorar la participación de los padres en la escuela?
Anualmente, los padres no solo darán su opinión sobre esta política, sino también en el desarrollo de un Acuerdo Escolar que describa los roles de los maestros, estudiantes y padres en el éxito académico. Los padres también participarán en la redacción y revisión del Plan de Mejoramiento Escolar (SIP) y los planes del Fideicomiso de las TIERRAS de la escuela en el Consejo Comunitario Escolar. Las prácticas descritas en este documento, que se publica en el sitio web de nuestra escuela, están respaldadas por el desarrollo de la capacidad de cada grupo.
Para los padres, ofrecemos reuniones de padres que desarrollan su capacidad para apoyar a sus hijos académicamente. Para los maestros, brindamos desarrollo profesional para ayudarlos a brindar instrucción efectiva y contacto con los padres. Y para los estudiantes, brindamos instrucción de calidad, así como oportunidades para las intervenciones necesarias. Estos esfuerzos se alinean no solo con las mejores prácticas, sino también con las necesidades específicas de mejora académica de nuestra escuela.
¿Cómo abordará la Escuela Primaria de Liberty las necesidades específicas de los estudiantes y sus familias?
La Escuela Primaria Liberty proporcionará comentarios oportunos a los estudiantes y padres sobre el desempeño académico y de comportamiento de los estudiantes. A través de los planes de comportamiento escolar y los sistemas de apoyo, se proporcionará a cada estudiante la motivación para aprender y dar lo mejor de sí. Los estudiantes recibirán 45 minutos de aprendizaje socioemocional específico cada semana. Los datos de evaluación de toda la escuela se comparten con los padres en nuestro sitio web, en boletines, en las reuniones del Consejo Comunitario Escolar. Además, la Escuela Primaria de Liberty establece altas expectativas para los estudiantes. Los estudiantes trabajan con los padres y sus maestros para establecer objetivos de aprendizaje individuales durante las Conferencias de Familias y Maestros.
Los informes de progreso individuales se compartirán con los padres al final de cada trimestre. Los maestros reconocen las necesidades de los estudiantes y brindan diferenciación razonable, andamios y extensiones de estudiantes para satisfacer las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes. La primaria de Liberty apoya constantemente a los padres al actualizar PowerSchool regularmente, al comunicar las necesidades de los estudiantes y los apoyos que se brindan, y al ofrecer estrategias que los padres pueden utilizar para apoyar el aprendizaje continuo en el hogar.
¿Cómo tendrán acceso a las oportunidades para participar los padres con dominio limitado del inglés, los padres de niños migratorios y los padres con discapacidades u otras necesidades especiales?
Los padres tendrán acceso razonable al personal y la información se presentará de manera oportuna y en un formato comprensible. La comunicación escrita publicada en los sitios web de las escuelas es accesible según la ADA y se puede traducir a muchos idiomas. La interpretación para las reuniones escolares en persona está disponible a través de servicios de interpretación en persona o por teléfono. Los padres con todos los antecedentes y habilidades idiomáticas pueden participar plenamente en las reuniones escolares, los eventos escolares, proporcionando información y en otras iniciativas de participación de los padres descritas anteriormente.
Student Progress
We are so excited to tell you that our school made the progress on state testing that we needed to. The hard work of our students, teachers, parents, school personnel, and community members paid off to end last year successfully.
As a Title I school, we are required to show each year that students are progressing in math and reading/language arts. Title I federal funding supports student learning in these areas. The learning expectations grow every year so that each student is ready for middle school and high school to prepare for college and a career. Our students and teachers are now focused on this year’s learning standards to see another year of success.
Interpreting and Translating
If you need help communicating with the school, please call the front office at 801-578-8180.
Bienvenido. Si quiere ayuda en su lengua para comunicarse, por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina de la escuela. Spanish
Arabic مرحب به إذا احتجت الى مساعدة للتفاهم بلغتك الأصلية، يرجى الاتصال بمكتب المدرسة الرئيسي.
Dobrodošli. Ako trebate pomoc komuniciranja na vasem jeziku, molimo vas da kontaktirate glavni ofis/kancelariju u skoli. Bosnian
欢迎. 如有需要語言上的協助,請與學校辦公室連絡。Chinese-Mandarin
환영합니다. 만약 언어소통에 문제가 있으실 경우 저희 본 사무실로 전화 주시길 바랍니다. Korean
Soo Dhawaaw.Haddii aad dooneysid in lagu siiyo kaalmo ku saabsan inisgaarsiinta lagu sameeyo luqadaada, fadlan la xariir xafiiska weyn ee dugsiga. Somali
Ki hēni. Kapau 'oku ke fiema'u tokoni 'i he fetu'utaki 'i ho'o lea, ta mai. Tongan
Chào quý vị. Nếu bạn muốn được giúp đỡ trong giao tiếp bằng ngôn ngữ của bạn, xin vui lòng liên hệ với văn phòng chính tại trường. Vietname