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Courses & Registration

Register Your K-6 Students for Our School (New and Returning Students) for the 2024-2025 School Year

Parents should have received an email or letter to register their child.  Go to . The letters gave Student Id and Pin numbers.  If a student did not get either, please call the school. 801-578-8180.

New or Returning Student - Salt Lake City School District

Preschool (Pre-K) Registration

Online applications to pre-register for preschool will be available beginning June 1, 2024, under the early childhood registration link;

Pre-K Registration Information

Students must turn 3 or 4 by September 1, 2024. The Early Childhood department will review applications and will then begin to schedule individual appointments to review required documents, and to determine qualified placement. The first month's tuition will be due at the time of the appointment. 

Required enrollment documents:

  • Child's Official Birth Certificate
  • Child's Immunization Certificate
  • Proof of address
  • Parent or legal guardian photo ID
  • First month's tuition 

*To see if you qualify for Title I reduced tuition, also provide your Income Tax Return from 2023 (1040 form) where your child’s name is listed.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact our office at 801-974-8396 ext. 0 or 801-974-9007 ext. 0 for assistance. Thank you for your patronage during this difficult time, and we look forward to seeing you soon.